I have very recently given up my job at KCG (Formerly Getco) Ltd. KCG have been a very good employer and I thank them for the opportunities that they gave me.
The reason that I left though is, I hope, understandable. I have finally, after the long-time nagging of my friends and relatives, decided to try independence. This is a very exciting time for me and I thank my friends and relatives for giving me the push that I needed

I have set up my own consulting company called ‘Continuous Delivery Ltd.” – What else? I intend to offer advice to companies travelling down, or embarking on, the complex road to Continuous Delivery. I also plan to work on some software that I think is missing from the Continuous Delivery tool-set – I have to feed my coding-habit somehow (stay-tuned).
I hope that this will, if anything, give me a bit more time for writing blog-entries here. I have a LOT to say that I haven’t got around to yet.
If you are curious, you can read more about my new venture at my company website http://www.continuous-delivery.co.uk/
Naturally, if you feel that my services can be of any help, please get in touch.